
Old Icelandic Dictionary - bragð

Meaning of Old Icelandic word "bragð" in English.

As defined by A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic (Geir Zoëga):

bragð Old Icelandic word can mean:

1) sudden or brisk movement; moment; ~s, af ~i, at once; af (or á) skömmu ~i, shortly, quickly, in a short time;
2) fig., in many phrases, verða fyrri (skjótari) at ~i, to make the first move, to be beforehand with (þeir hafa orðit fyrri at ~i at stefna en vér); vera í ~i með em, skerast í ~ með em, to lend one a helping hand; taka et ~s or til ~s, to take some step (to get out of difficulties); úviturligt ~, a foolish step; úheyriligt ~, an unheard of proceeding; gerðist þar at sví mikit ~, at, it went so far that; lítit ~ mun þá at (it must be very slight), ef þú finnr ekki;
3) trick, scheme, device, chiefly in pl.; beita en bröðum, hafa brögð við en, to deal cunninly with, impose upon; ferr at fornum brögðum, in the old way; búa yfir brögðum, to brood over wiles; leika em ~, to play or serve one a trick hefir hann miklu ~i á oss komit, he has played a bad trick upon us;
4) countenance, look, expression þannig ertu í ~i sem, thou lookest as if; með betra ~i, in a better mood; bleyðimannligr í ~i, having the look of a coward; Sturla gerði þat ~ á (made as if), at hann hefði fundit Pál prest;
5) embroidered figure (hekla saumuð öll brögðum).

Possible runic inscription in Younger Futhark:ᛒᚱᛅᚴᚦ

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